LMBIA Membership
Membership Fee $175​
•Payments to LMBIA are tax deductible
•Additional donations are appreciated
Benefits of membership include:
Direct participation in the preservation and protection of Lake Minnie Belle by funding Water Quality Preservation and Aquatic Invasive Species Management and Prevention
Direct participation in the protection of your property values
1 Vote at the Annual Meeting
Directory (printed) of Property Owners/Members
Monthly Board Meeting Recaps and News Blasts
Your membership helps LMBIA to:
Preserve Water Quality by:
Conducting water quality tests
Administering water quality protection projects
Manage and Prevent Aquatic Invasive Species by:
Conducting surveys for aquatic plants (native and invasive)
Treating areas of Curlyleaf pondweed and Eurasian milfoil
Conducting watercraft inspections and decontaminations at the DNR Access
Maintaining the East and West Accesses
Facilitate Preservation and Protection Actions by:
Applying for grants
Developing and delivering educational materials and communications
Please Consider Making A Donation
In 2025 we're looking to raise an additional $30,000 through donations and fundraisers to help protect the lake from Starry Stonewort. The $30,000 would be used to extend the inspection hours on the DNR North landing from 6am-8pm Mid-May through the end of September, deploying dive teams twice a summer to look for Starry Stonewort (as early detection is critical) and building a quick response fund, in the event we find Starry Stonewort in Minnie Belle. Please consider helping us protect the beautiful lake we all love and thank you for your consideration!